I have managed to get a bit of sewing done, but again, you'll have to excuse my HORRIBLE pictures. Starting in the new year I'm going to attempt to take half acceptable pictures. I know I'm not doing myself (or the blog) any justice being all photolazified. (My new word. WORD) Till then, I present decent stuff, with turrible picture taking efforts. (I promise, I really do put more effort into sewing!)
Dec 21, 2012
Twas' the Friday before Christmas....
I have managed to get a bit of sewing done, but again, you'll have to excuse my HORRIBLE pictures. Starting in the new year I'm going to attempt to take half acceptable pictures. I know I'm not doing myself (or the blog) any justice being all photolazified. (My new word. WORD) Till then, I present decent stuff, with turrible picture taking efforts. (I promise, I really do put more effort into sewing!)
Dec 14, 2012
There are angels...
My heart hurts for everyone involved in the Connecticut shooting. Hug your babies. There are no promises for tomorrow, no guarantees. Every single day we have is a blessing. Use it wisely.
Current Work in Progress!
Nov 30, 2012
This week was a wipeout!
The modem started to bug out. Only intermittent wireless signals, no signal for the hardwired computer and the phone internet connection is expensive...
So, no blogging.
No big deal right? We can take pictures for the tutorial and get it all ready to go when the modem was ready, right? Right?? yeah... right... Then....
I couldn't find the cord for the camera. No cord, no dice. Can't charge, cant upload, nuthin. Ordered a new one, should be here any day now... so I could just take some shoddy pictures with my phone camera right? ehhhh maybe... Then...
My phone slipped out of my pocket and Ollie the Toothless Teether discovered it before I did. Slobbering and teething ensued. My phone was/is soooooaaaaked. And gross. Smart phones are not smart, as in they should have an alarm when encountering damp/ wet environments such as teething child's mouth. After a good drying out it should be fine, hopefully by morning.
Moral of this story, It's not always easy to transfer what's in my mind into sharable content. If it does happen to make any sense, I've still got to transfer it via computers and obviously, computers do not love me. (or my slobbery yet adorable 11 month old who still has no teeth.)
I'm not giving up, just taking a break. Lately I've been so *zonked* that I've not even wanted to get near the sewing room. THAT MUST STOP. Christmas is almost upon us, and I've got to many things to do. So tomorrow I'll be at market, Sunday is the family day and come hell or high water, Monday I WILL BE IN THE SEWING ROOM. Hopefully with a camera, a working phone and lovely babies with teeth and happy moods.
And ACK! Santa sent us Elf on the Shelf!! I can't tell you how excited I am to
Love to you all!!
Nov 23, 2012
Sale at Deaf Mama Designs and "I'm thankful" Series roundup
Now, on to the Thankful series... much catching up to do...
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. God bless you all!
Nov 15, 2012
November Series: I'm Thankful Day 13 through 15
Nov 12, 2012
November Series: I'm Thankful- Day 10-12
Day 11. I'm thankful for my home. It was pure luck that we were able to buy this house and I'm super thankful we did. She still needs some love but so far, she's been a great home. We really should spend more time fixing her up. Indecisive me keeps changing the game plan, do, redo and do again... someday I'll make up my mind and get'er done.
Day 12. I'm thankful for my Doggy, Pepe. We call him Pepe because he always stinks. He's my sweetheart, a little poodle something mix, who showed up in my driveway 5 years ago, dripping wet from rain. When the babies fuss, he comes to me and walks in a circle so that I'll follow him. If someone is at the door and I don't hear the doorbell he has a certain bark that says "Hey!! There's a stranger!!" Otherwise, he's always underfoot and expecting attention at any moment. He is definitely one of our babies, except he's a sweet little four legged furry little thing. <3 p="p">
In other news, I've got to get busy in the sewing room. Procrastination has been my worst enemy of late!
Nov 8, 2012
November Series: I'm Thankful day 2-9
Day 2. I'm thankful for this guy-
Nov 2, 2012
November Series: I'm Thankful....
Oct 30, 2012
Playing Catch Up
So this week I'm overbooked, overwhelmed and determined to finish up all on said to do list. Since I tend to be the worst procrastinator EVER, I'm going to post my to do list for the sake of accountability.
Have a great day!
Oct 26, 2012
Friday Recap!
Nine weeks just ended for us... that means report cards.... All good there! A's and B's across the board. The girls are enrolled in a gifted program so academics are a bit harder. They enjoy the challenge, and I love the extra care the teachers put into their students. They are also enrolled in Study of the Arts, which is two hours a day studying dance, music, art, theater etc. The second oldest (Oldest is in college) is the Arts program, the third is my ballerina and fourth is my little actress in training, taking Theater. We are so lucky to have these programs within our public schools. I feel like each one has been able to follow their dreams (so far) and truly challenge themselves. The teachers are *amazing*. Seriously. They know their stuff.
On the home front, Ollie is crawling everywhere, climbing everywhere and getting into everything. Of course that means he's had his share of bumps and falls... in this picture he's got a bruise on his head from one of his explorations. He loves pouncing on his sisters and brother, just like a puppy. Just today he tried to stand upright without holding onto anything. We may be on the way to walking sooner than later. I'll take later thank you very much! I'm in no hurry to see baby boy grow up. *boo hoo*
On the Business front, Shop for SIDS was great! I met so many new people, and the Event host went above and beyond their call of duty. I'm telling you.... they FED us. Sausage egg biscuits for breakfast, pizza for lunch, bottled water, soda, you name it.
What I really love is that every penny of the vendor fees went to buy a safe crib for a baby in need. These folks are just FULL of good deeds. After seeing so many tragedies in the news this week, it really warms my heart to know there are good people, fighting for an unselfish cause. If you'd like to learn more about SIDS check out this link: MS SIDS Alliance. My babies are my world. We need to do everything we can to protect them, love them and give them the best start possible.
I'll be back at the MS Farmer's Market on High St this Saturday, with several new items (BABY items. hint hint) so stop on in and sit a spell! I always have an extra chair at my booth for friends to visit. See yall there!
Oct 7, 2012
Merry Go Rounds and Funnel Cake Oh MY!
Topsy Turvy Teddy Bears...
Oct 4, 2012
"Are you really deaf?"
2. If you have a hearing aid or Cochlear implant (CI from here on out) people sometimes expect your hearing to be perfect.. not always so. Mine is way better, but like with the phone issues, it's not perfect. Noisy environments wear me out, just from trying to focus and listen. I do it anyway because it's absolutely worth it! Talking to friends and customers at the market, church even the grocery store. (Yep- I'm one of those crazy ladies that likes to compliment you on your kids, or wave to the babies.. just be happy I don't buy them candy and squish their cheeks. I'm holding back!!)
The funny things about being deaf... I talk a LOT. like, more than most people. To the point that I annoy the mess out of my husband. I am also constantly telling my kids to stop yelling! (I know right?) And.. last but not least, I can read lips really well. My kids don't get away with much. :)
So that's it for today! If you need a boogieman exterminator, feel free to call my husband. Don't worry about the table leg, I'm sure he'll be as humane as possible.
Oct 3, 2012
Lean Mean Quilting Machine
Oct 2, 2012
Um, Whoops!
But... Mondays are just.. blah around here. I have no excuses really, other than being busy (doing what I don't remember, I know it wasn't important other than being those things we all do to survive) and I had some serious allergy issues going on. Normally I can take my regular seasonal allergy meds and I'm fine. Lately, it's not been working so well, so I'm having to take Benadryl also. Not fun.
In other news, I've got a new quilt on the quilting frame! I've done two rows (8 inches wide) so only... 6 more rows to go. Gosh that sounds so EASY. In reality it's not so simple. More like a few hours worth of work but the end result will be worth it.
I found out today that I'm going to "Shop for SIDS" which is a local craft show that raises money to buy cribs and baby items for low income families. As a mama who has lost a baby to SIDS, I'm thrilled about the opportunity. So not only will I be attempting to blog every day for Blogtoberfest, I'll also be sewing like a mad woman for the upcoming show. I do sell at the farmer's market every Saturday, but I'm tired of looking at (some) of the same stuff every week. I want to add Toooooooooooooons of new items. Not just quilts. LOTS o' Things. The Shop for SIDS show has me motivated again. And it's on Oct 20th.. so by the time you read this, I'll probably only have 17 days to get anything done. I'll be in the sewing room if you need me!!!
Sep 30, 2012
Oh yes! It's BLOGTOBERFEST YALL! Thanks to Kat @ I Saw You Dancing for the invite! 31 days of blogging madness... I'm up for the challenge! If you'd like to join us, click the link above and sign up!
In other news, Sept 22 was my birthday. I don't mind being a year older. In fact, I spent about 6 months of last year thinking I had turned 35, when actually I was only 34! I feel like I sort of gained an extra year. And... 30s aren't bad. Not bad at all. I'm finally turning into a real grownup. I'm thankful. My 20's were rocky. My teens... yikes, you couldn't bribe me with all the money and chocolate in the world. 30's are good. Settled. Calmer. Thoughtful. I feel like that perfect pair of jeans.. not brand new but gently worn and comfy in all the right places.
For my birthday I got a digital camera. I'm still learning how to use it! It has a wide angle, which is exactly what I needed to improve my quilt pictures. (If you've never taken a picture of a king size quilt, lucky you!) Previously I was using my phone cam. Seriously. Great for sharing pics on instagram. Not so great for sales.
So back to BLOGTOBERFEST! If you haven't signed up, get over there!!! It's gonna be FUN!
Sep 21, 2012
Meeting Aralyn...
The toddler years....
Sep 15, 2012
Roses and the Naked Ladies
These are Spider Lilies, aka Naked Ladies... I dug these bulbs up from my mom's house years ago and they've been blooming and multiplying ever since. The bulbs seem to just sit there... and sit there... nothing... then suddenly they start shooting up left and right, almost overnight. It takes about 3 days to go from sprouting out of the ground to full bloom.
Not a good shot but this is my Scentinial rose.. smells like a sweet perfume. I love the combination of red and white.. the color (in real life!) is so beautiful! I've planted this rose close to the front door, in hopes that this rose gets much, much bigger as the nursery owner promised. Natural air freshener!
This the Pinata Rose... another lovely. I'm so crazy about orange. This rose starts off with a yellow bud, then opens to more orange and before the bloom fades it goes to red. Finally it fades to red and whites, just lovely!! There isn't much to the scent, but it truly makes up for it in tons of flowers and color. Amazing to watch the colors change over the course of a day.
As you can see I need to spend some time weeding and mulching. I'm ready to get through the winter with lots of quilting and home renovations, then it will be on to spring. One day at a time!
Here's two of the crew that are keeping me busy today-
Have a happy Saturday!
Sep 14, 2012
Daffa Daffa Daffa Dils!
We made it through the week with minimal damage. No missed buses, no ER visits, fires, 911 calls or anything dramatic.I'd even go so far as to call it somewhat a boring week. No complaints here, boring is always good and I hope it stays that way.
*knock on wood*
The summer roses are still blooming, which I love. My Scentinial Rose is giving me about one or two blooms at a time, while the Pinata roses look like they are ready to explode. The buds are just showing, but I'll get a picture soon. I LOVE flower gardening! Right now I'm loving it more than sewing even, though I'm just a newb learning all the ropes. I guess my "specialty" should be roses, since I keep collecting new rose bushes every time I am at the market. There is a local vendor there that really knows his roses and gives me an awesome hookup on new plants. At this rate, we're going to have to get a bigger house so I can have a bigger yard... but for now this will do! I reallllllly love my roses.... but...
Roses only bloom in spring and summer... so I've got to have something pretty in the yard year round... for very early spring I've ordered some bulbs to plant... and I can't WAIT till they get here. I've been checking the mail daily, just waiting for them to come in the mail.
Pink Daffodils! Aren't they ADORABLE??? Seriously... I love the good ole yellow kind, and if these don't work out I'll go back to the old fashioned... but I LOVE these. I loved them so much I ordered 50 of them. *sigh* I don't think I do anything on a small scale, like, ever. Anyone who has seen me in the same room with chocolate or cheesecake or kids or quilts or fabric can attest to this. "Go big or go home!!!" That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
I hope you have a great weekend, I'll be stalking my mail lady in hopes that my daffodils are in her care!
*Update- After speaking with the seller it turns out that my daffodils won't be here until sometime next week. What a bummer! But... they're pink daffodils so that makes it entirely worth it right?
Sep 13, 2012
Family days and a side of quilting
Don't you LOVE my camera phone?? It's a wonder the thing still works. Anyway, terrible lighting, fuzzy photo and overall bad photography aside, you get the idea. This quilt still needs binding... I'm thinking a small black and white stripe, but haven't decided just yet. This one will be in my Deaf Mama Designs Shop. I've been slowly adding more quilts to the shop and working on the overall look, so check it out! Don't forget to check out the gallery for quilts I've made in the past. Let me know what you think, I'm always up for suggestions.
That's all for today!
Jul 9, 2012
Jul 1, 2012
Summertime Market Saturdays and a friend
This Week I managed to get two queen sized quilts on the long arm machine and finished the binding on one last night. This week I'll be working on a custom, plus finishing up a few other items, like more Neck Rags, and a baby quilt or two. Maybe I can get some better pictures of quilts up on my website also. I keep putting it off because local folks keep me so busy, but I really should keep things more up to date.
Speaking of pictures, websites and blogs staying up to date... Let me tell you why I love the Farmer's Market, even on those 100 degree days when I don't sell a thing.
Not just customers, but those folks that come by and know the time and effort that goes into each item. The folks that talk. And come back, just to talk some more.
Like Ms. Dot. This lady is a something something else! I can't tell you how much I appreciate her thoughts. Her emails. Her words of encouragement. She "fussed" (in a sweet, loving, southern mama sort of way) at me about updating my blog more often. And my website. Not because she thinks I should do more, but because well, darn it, she's right. And I think she knows I'm a little lazy when it comes to ME. I work really hard for my husband and my kids, but the quilting is ME. It's all mine. I know good and well it will grow as fast and as far as I let it, and I just might be a little afraid of that. Maybe I'll get chained to the sewing machine. Maybe I'll get sick of it all and just quit. Maybe people will come to expect way more from me than I am able to produce... and it's all LIES. That little part of my brain way in the back is steadily ticking off excuses, reasons to procrastinate, reasons to keep myself from reaching my dreams and pushing myself just a little more each day. But Ms. Dot sees right through that. She is a "straight up tell it like it is" kind of lady (and she is SUCH a lady!) and she told me to update my blog. And my website. She sees success, she sees that I can grow. WOW. I love that. And I love her for that.
So this blog is for you Ms. Dot. Thank you for encouraging me. And visiting, and emails, and all the sweet things you do. You are AWESOME!!!!!! And we (the whole family) love you!
May 17, 2012
Mess part two!
Yikes. I'm about as organized as it gets.. Mentally at least. In my mind's eye there's a place for everything, all sorted, orderly and easy to access.
Yeah right.
There are piles upon piles on the cutting table, the floor, in laundry baskets, chairs abd just ugh. It's hair pulling annoying stuff. We got rid of the old eewwy-gross fridge, brought the dining room table back in (it used to be my cutting table), folded a couple of laundry baskets of fabric, etc. a good 4 hours of work. Now it looks worse than we started. No kidding! I'll be back in there as much as I can until it is done, but the process is unnerving!
Meanwhile, I managed to put this sweet quilt together.
Sorry about the picture quality, I don't have a digital camera at the moment.
May 15, 2012
The Biggest Mess Eeeeeevvvvvvvvver
Talk about massive sewing crisis! Two years ago my sewing room was a "spare" bedroom. Hardly a spare with six kiddos at the time but no one wanted their own room, so it wasn't used. At 10'x10' it was the smallest room in the house. Two kids later, we needed that room, so my sewing room moved to the garage.
It's not a grand Martha Stuart craft room, but for me, it works. At least it did, till my sewing crisis hit. Most of the tables and other sewing furniture has been thrifted or cast offs from friends and family. It's not matchy matchy but free is better than matchy right?
So I inherited much of my mom's sewing things... Tons of fabric, notions etc. The crisis happened when I realized I had to move the entire room around so that everything has a home and be accessible. So far we've moved the sewing machines and tables around, added shelves, ruler folded a whole lotta stash (with still more to do) trashed the old garage fridge (ewwwwww) and finally moved many things to the shed for storage.
Next I want to make a new craft table by frankenstein'ing my old 36" shelves and a hobby table I purchased at hancock's years ago. Now I'm not exactly sure how it's going to work, but the hobby table folds and it's just not safe with little ones running around. Plus, the z shape the legs do when it's open creates so much wasted space.
Oh yeah, the best part! The whole reason for putting myself through all this trauma.....
I'm getting my mom's old long arm quilter! Squeee! This sucker is big, heavy and 100% in your face... But now I won't have to arrange babysitting, answer the phone every 5 minutes (can we have ice cream? When are you coming home? Do I have to wash my hair tonight? What's for supper?), drive 15 miles one way just to quilt. I'll be able to quilt my quilts at home!!!!
And that my peeps, makes me wanna do jazz hands!