Sep 21, 2012

Meeting Aralyn...

Meet Aralyn, aka, Super Ninja Toddler.

The toddler years....

Introducing, Aralyn. She's 2.5 short, blonde, cute and "SupahDupah" sweet. No really, she is totally a doll.Well, dolls don't say "NO!"and "NUH UH!" and "WHY?" But, that's ok. They don't usually break things like laptop screens, cochlear implant batteries or pour ten pounds worth of sugar on the floor (I know, I'm still trying to figure out that one too). But they also don't give super "I love you mama" kisses, or say "Thank you mama" or sing "Tinwkle tinwkle widdle staw-wah" like she does either. So, I'd call it a fair trade.

Favorite snack- fresh strawberries at the market

 Speaking of dolls, she loves them. She refers to them all as her "babies"... even the stuffed dinosaur. She puts them to bed, feeds them, gives them a stern talking to when they are bad.  Cutest. Thing. Ever. 

Checking out the sunflowers

Poor thing. Out of 8 kids, she was the only girl stuck with an older and younger brother, though she gets along with her older sisters really well. (Except when she gets in their stuff. She's a makeup/ hair accessory diva, and loves to sneak off to get into the big girls stuff. She also demands to change clothes every chance she gets, her favorite being her pink batman shirt.

Gotta love the two year olds... sweet and sassy. That's my girl.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristy, what a gorgeous gal!!
    Thanks for being a part of Blogtoberfest, hosted by Cathy aka {tinniegirl} last year. Thought you might be interested to know that we're running it again in 2012. You can find all the info at:
    And we're kicking off this Monday! Would love to see you there.
    Kat xxx


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