Nov 12, 2012

November Series: I'm Thankful- Day 10-12

Day 10. I'm thankful for my Dad! There is nothing the man can't build, fix or figure out. He would never admit it, but he can even sew! As a kid he always let us "shadow" him while he worked around the house, on the family cars or in the garden. My brother and I referred to ourselves as "gofers" because we always had to "go fer this and go fer that". In the process of hunting down paint brushes, lost tools and finding dropped nuts and bolts, we learned the basics of handyman-ship. The only negative about my dad? I'm 35 years old now and he STILL won't let me use any sort of saw, staple gun or nail gun that plugs in. Every year I say "Hey Daddy, I'm xx years old now, can I use the table saw?" And every year he says "Aw kiddo, I don't think so, maybe next year." I'm the baby of the family and I guess I always will be. It's a good spot to have, despite the fact that I'll probably never get to use a table saw under his watch.

Day 11. I'm thankful for my home. It was pure luck that we were able to buy this house and I'm super thankful we did. She still needs some love but so far, she's been a great home. We really should spend more time fixing her up. Indecisive me keeps changing the game plan, do, redo and do again... someday I'll make up my mind and get'er done.

Day 12. I'm thankful for my Doggy, Pepe. We call him Pepe because he always stinks. He's my sweetheart, a little poodle something mix, who showed up in my driveway 5 years ago, dripping wet from rain. When the babies fuss, he comes to me and walks in a circle so that I'll follow him. If someone is at the door and I don't hear the doorbell he has a certain bark that says "Hey!! There's a stranger!!" Otherwise, he's always underfoot and expecting attention at any moment. He is definitely one of our babies, except he's a sweet little four legged furry little thing.  <3 p="p">
In other news, I've got to get busy in the sewing room. Procrastination has been my worst enemy of late!

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