Nov 8, 2012

November Series: I'm Thankful day 2-9

In no particular order, I'm thankful....

Day 2. I'm thankful for this guy-

The hubby

This is Paul. He's my husband (I had to tie him down legally) but he's also my best friend. We do almost everything together, from xbox gaming to fabric shopping. Deaf Mama Designs would be nothing without his encouragement, ideas, heavy lifting and awesome daddy skills. (he is the fastest diaper changer this side of the Mississippi!) He loves the big family thing and he loves ME. He is my superhero. 

3. I'm thankful we live in a country where we are allowed to vote, to have an opinion without consequences  We can talk about how we can change our government  without worry of jail, beatings and even death. I think we get so wrapped up in what needs to be fixed that we truly forget how lucky we are to live in the USA. 

4. I'm thankful for Cochlear Implants. I am proud to be deaf, and I'm proud of being a part of the hearing world. I am amazed and thankful for the kind doctors, scientists, computer nerds and whiz kids that have grown up to focus on  us hearing impaired folks.You've made my life easier. More enjoyable. LOUDER. Without you guys, I would not have heard my babies' first cries at birth.  I would  have never experienced my first rock concert, I wouldn't have heard my husband say "I Do." (even though he said it really loud. heh. he was nervous :)) You guys have very literally rocked my world. Rock on!

5.I am thankful for My mom. Without her, of course I wouldn't be here. But even if I did manage to weasel my way in, I wouldn't be who I am. She believed in me, helped me to overcome, accomplish, achieve, mourn, fight back, laugh, love and and every other emotion I have. She taught me to sew, but the most important thing she ever taught me was to love without expectations. That would have to be a whole 'nother blog post, but yes, so true. 

6. I'm Thankful to the kind Ladies that work at the fabric stores!! So many times they've saved me headache when I couldn't find a fabric, pattern or crazy notion (because I HAD to have it that day, bc it was going to be on SALE dontcha know? ) They put up with me, and they love to flirt with Paul, which keeps him happy while I shop... which means more fabric for me, and less focusing on the receipt for him. Gotta love those ladies!

7. I'm thankful for customers, vendors (and everyone) at the market. The biggest thing that makes me love selling locally vs online is the interaction. Every Friday night I pack up the van for market. Every Saturday morning I unpack it, set up and wait. But the day is never ever boring. Many of the regular vendors have become my dearest friends, as well as several customers. I have a customer that bought a quilt from me over 3 years ago and he still stops by the booth to say hello. I *love* that. It means so much to me that people want to buy local, support our local artists and heck, take the time to talk to us. If it wasn't for them, and the awesome vendors, Saturdays could easily be a day I detest... but honestly, other than the fact that I miss my babies while I'm gone, I absolutely love it. I always learn something from someone, have a good laugh, share vendor war stories and triumphs. It's wonderful and I would be so heartbroken if I had to stop going. 

8.I'm thankful for my talent. To paraphrase Erma Bombeck- When I go before heaven and stand in front of God, I want to be able to say "God, I don't have a single talent left. I spent every bit of it, sharing with other people, teaching my children and praising you. I have nothing, and I hope that's alright."

9. I'm thankful for finally getting caught up on my "I'm Thankful Series"! It's not easy for me to blog. I want to set the right tone, the right mood.... I want my readers to walk away with a little bit of a chuckle or a "hmm, something to think on" moment. The blogging world is so big, and I am just.. me. But yes, I want to make you smile today, and I'm thankful for having my blog to provide me a way to say "Hello!" 

Thanks for reading! I would love to hear what you are thankful for! Leave a comment to share!

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