Nov 15, 2012

November Series: I'm Thankful Day 13 through 15

Continuing with the "I'm Thankful" Series....

Day 13. I'm thankful that my good friend  was able to hold her preemie baby for the first time since she was born a month ago. Baby D was born at 24 weeks, 1 lb, 6 oz,  just a little more than halfway through H's  pregnancy. The beginning of this tiny baby girl's life was so touch and go, with doctors unable to predict her future at all. She's gone through surgeries, blood transfusions, good days and bad. Yet through all this she's managed to survive. I'm thankful for the doctors and nurses that do everything they can to take care of this little bean. She is now 1 lb, 9 oz, and steadily growing. She's still tiny enough that her little hands will slip through a women's wedding band with ease. Yet, at 14 inches long, she's a fighter. She knows her mama's voice, and now, after a very long month, she knows mama's heartbeat again. This little baby is nothing short of Ah-MAZ-IN. 

Day 14. I'm thankful for the small stuff. Coffee in the morning (with my favorite coffee creamer), Hugs and kisses from the babies, cuddles and cartoons, funny Facebook statuses, afternoon naps (when they happen) and chocolate. The little things make all the difference! 

Day 15. I'm thankful that today is Thursday!! One more day of school and my kids will be on break for the week. Lately they've seemed a bit burned out. Hoping they can rest up (and get their rooms in order!!) It is exactly one week till Thanksgiving. Then it will be one month till Christmas (I AM NOT READY!!!!!) But I will be ready (or not) by the time it gets here. Meanwhile, lets just pretend I'm on top of everything and Christmas is still several months away. To bad my kids won't believe me! 

Have a great day. 

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