The modem started to bug out. Only intermittent wireless signals, no signal for the hardwired computer and the phone internet connection is expensive...
So, no blogging.
No big deal right? We can take pictures for the tutorial and get it all ready to go when the modem was ready, right? Right?? yeah... right... Then....
I couldn't find the cord for the camera. No cord, no dice. Can't charge, cant upload, nuthin. Ordered a new one, should be here any day now... so I could just take some shoddy pictures with my phone camera right? ehhhh maybe... Then...
My phone slipped out of my pocket and Ollie the Toothless Teether discovered it before I did. Slobbering and teething ensued. My phone was/is soooooaaaaked. And gross. Smart phones are not smart, as in they should have an alarm when encountering damp/ wet environments such as teething child's mouth. After a good drying out it should be fine, hopefully by morning.
Moral of this story, It's not always easy to transfer what's in my mind into sharable content. If it does happen to make any sense, I've still got to transfer it via computers and obviously, computers do not love me. (or my slobbery yet adorable 11 month old who still has no teeth.)
I'm not giving up, just taking a break. Lately I've been so *zonked* that I've not even wanted to get near the sewing room. THAT MUST STOP. Christmas is almost upon us, and I've got to many things to do. So tomorrow I'll be at market, Sunday is the family day and come hell or high water, Monday I WILL BE IN THE SEWING ROOM. Hopefully with a camera, a working phone and lovely babies with teeth and happy moods.
And ACK! Santa sent us Elf on the Shelf!! I can't tell you how excited I am to
Love to you all!!