Hi everyone! It's THURSDAY! Thats... one day before FRIDAY! Which for me means I start freaking out about everything I haven't gotten done this week and get bizzz-zay. Am I the only one that looks at Friday as a deadline instead of the beginning of the weekend? Probably doesn't help that I have market on Saturdays, so that would make Saturday my Monday, and Thursday would be my Sunday and... nevermind. To confusing. But, weekends are rarely for relaxing around here (at least for mom) so on occasion I DO look forward to Monday.
And speaking of market, that brings me to my post title today. Being a vendor at the market means having a somewhat personal relationship with customers. Since my biz is called "Deaf Mama Designs" I get asked some pretty personal questions. I don't mind. I'd rather answer personal questions and possibly leave a positive impact, rather than negative assumptions.
So the first question is usually.... "Are you really deaf?" YES! (big smile here!) I am really deaf. I do have a cochlear implant. It makes my hearing much better, but not perfect. So I'm very, totally, almost no residual hearing, can't wake up to alarm sounds, can't hear the baby cry at night deaf. I do not know how to sign. All my children have perfect hearing. The drs and specialists have theories of why I'm deaf, but no absolute answers. Deafness in some people (like me) has always been somewhat of a mystery. I'm ok with that. I kind of like being deaf.
1. I can adjust to my surroundings. If something is to loud, I can turn down the sound on my processor, like a stereo. Or, I can just take them off completely. This bothers other people more than it does me ;)
2. Since I have to take my processor off at night, I sleep really, really well. I have an awesome hubby that will wake up to investigate the scary noises, fight off the boogieman and even tend to fussy babies during the night. Sometimes he wakes me up to get them and that's fine with me. I really appreciate what a big help he is, as long as he handles the boogieman and noises. (his weapon of choice is a broken table leg... scary huh?)
3. I get to skip out on lots of drama. I'm not sure how this happens, but honestly, I don't like drama, bad mouthing people, gossip etc, so I'm not sure if I just don't hear it or they just don't bother to talk to me about it because they think I won't hear them anyway. Either way, I'm down with that.
4. Talk doesn't mean much to me. There is much more to be said about body language and just REAL action to "read" a person. What they say and what they do are two totally different things. I think I focus on the later, just because I'm to lazy to listen sometimes.
Things I don't love about being deaf...
1. I have a really hard time hearing on the phone. Before everyone had internet, email and texting, I felt really left out. At one point I tried using TTY, but my family just didn't understand it at all. And the idea of carrying on a "fun" conversation with a 3rd person was so awkward I gave up. So I did lose a lot that way. Now I can text, which keeps me more involved. My oldest sister even started texting, which is AWESOME. love love love it.
2. If you have a hearing aid or Cochlear implant (CI from here on out) people sometimes expect your hearing to be perfect.. not always so. Mine is way better, but like with the phone issues, it's not perfect. Noisy environments wear me out, just from trying to focus and listen. I do it anyway because it's absolutely worth it! Talking to friends and customers at the market, church even the grocery store. (Yep- I'm one of those crazy ladies that likes to compliment you on your kids, or wave to the babies.. just be happy I don't buy them candy and squish their cheeks. I'm holding back!!)
The funny things about being deaf... I talk a LOT. like, more than most people. To the point that I annoy the mess out of my husband. I am also constantly telling my kids to stop yelling! (I know right?) And.. last but not least, I can read lips really well. My kids don't get away with much. :)
So that's it for today! If you need a boogieman exterminator, feel free to call my husband. Don't worry about the table leg, I'm sure he'll be as humane as possible.