Oct 30, 2012

Playing Catch Up

So last night dh was using the laptop... and left it on the coffee table. (BIG DIRTY SCORNFUL LOOK INSERTED HERE) and as fate would have it, a glass of tea was spilled, subjecting the dear laptop to it's first spill. EEEK! However, it (and I) survived, and we are back on duty today. HALLALUYER!

So this week I'm overbooked, overwhelmed and determined to finish up all on said to do list. Since I tend to be the worst procrastinator EVER, I'm going to post my to do list for the sake of accountability.

Finish Mod quilt (front, quilting, pictures, binding, all of it. Currently we're about 3/4 the way done, but this quilt has been my distress since MARCH. Just, insane. I've never had a quilt take this long to finish itself. Really.)

15 Sunbonnet Sue Pillows - deets on this later.

2 Autumn Table Runners- one custom, one for the shop.

Ok so it's only 3 things to do, but that's a good bit of sewing hours, in between school work, cooking, cleaning and baby holdin'. It's "only" Tuesday, so lets see what I can get done this week. I've also been listing a ton of vintage patterns, so take a looky loo, because they're CHEAP. Some are even FREE for shipping. Seriously. Can't beat free!!

Have a great day!

Oct 26, 2012

Friday Recap!

It's been super busy around here..

Nine weeks just ended for us... that means report cards.... All good there! A's and B's across the board. The girls are enrolled in a gifted program so academics are a bit harder. They enjoy the challenge, and I love the extra care the teachers put into their students. They are also enrolled in Study of the Arts, which is two hours a day studying dance, music, art, theater etc. The second oldest (Oldest is in college) is the Arts program, the third is my ballerina and fourth is my little actress in training, taking Theater. We are so lucky to have these programs within our public schools. I feel like each one has been able to follow their dreams (so far) and truly challenge themselves. The teachers are *amazing*. Seriously. They know their stuff.

On the home front, Ollie is crawling everywhere, climbing everywhere and getting into everything. Of course that means he's had his share of bumps and falls... in this picture he's got a bruise on his head from one of his explorations.  He loves pouncing on his sisters and brother, just like a puppy. Just today he tried to stand upright without holding onto anything. We may be on the way to walking sooner than later. I'll take later thank you very much! I'm in no hurry to see baby boy grow up. *boo hoo*

On the Business front, Shop for SIDS was great! I met so many new people, and the Event host went above and beyond their call of duty. I'm telling you.... they FED us. Sausage egg biscuits for breakfast,  pizza for lunch, bottled water, soda, you name it.

What I really love is that every penny of the vendor fees went to buy a safe crib for a baby in need. These folks are just FULL of good deeds. After seeing so many tragedies in the news this week, it really warms my heart to know there are good people, fighting for an unselfish cause. If you'd like to learn more about SIDS check out this link: MS SIDS Alliance. My babies are my world. We need to do everything we can to protect them, love them and give them the best start possible.

I'll be back at the MS Farmer's Market on High St this Saturday, with several new items (BABY items. hint hint) so stop on in and sit a spell! I always have an extra chair at my booth for friends to visit. See yall there!

Oct 7, 2012

Merry Go Rounds and Funnel Cake Oh MY!

Today is not just any old ordinary day. Today was "state fair day" for me and the crue! This has been a tradition since the kids were babies, one that I look forward to almost as much as Christmas holidays. The MS State Fair is in my blood. I don't think I've missed more than 2 years since I was a baby myself, and barring extreme weather or hospitalization, I don't think anything else could keep me from going.  The crowds, the food, the rides, petting the alpeca, camels, pygmy goats, donkeys and baby BISON. OH. My. Cute. Just... nothing but love for the fair. 

This year, we had a lot of "firsts" at the fair. I let the kids split up, the younger four with me and the older 3 were allowed to venture off as their own group. This way no one would be bored and while I absolutely love the fair, the little ones can only handle that much fun for a little while. After a while they get overwhelmed and then it's no fun for any of us. So we split up, and off we went to the rides (and FOOD)

For the kids, every ride they see is like opening a huge gift, even though they only get to keep it for  a  few minutes. "Mama! Did you SEE ME!!?? I was WAY UP THERE!" says my 5 year old.. with his face covered in chocolate ice cream and powdered sugar. "Mama! I want to ride the rollercoaster, am I tall enough??" 

Dragon roller coasters...
Topsy Turvy Teddy Bears...
High Flyers...
Merry Go Round...
and on and on and on....

Aralyn (2.5) and Brett (4) were super brave. Paul insisted on riding the kiddy rollercoaster with Aralyn, but I think he really wanted to ride anyway. Nevermind he barely fit in the thing. I wanted to ride too, but the kids were so "I'm not scared!" I sat back and watched them have fun. Seeing how secure they are really makes me proud. Next year ollie will probably get to enjoy a ride or two, so I look forward to that!

Then there was....
Fried potatoes (sort of like potato chips, but... not)
Funnel cake!!!! (super yum)
Root Beer Floats
Sugar Cookies
Pork Rinds (cajun and BBQ)
Soft Serve Ice Cream
Homemade biscuits and syrup 


When the money was spent and it was time to go, Aralyn was fast asleep, Brett had to ride on Paul's shoulders a good ways and the girls were walking slower than molasses uphill in a snowstorm. The walk back to the car seemed like forever. I was exhausted as we were leaving  but took one last look to say goodbye till next year. Thank you to the MS State Fair Commission and the State of Mississippi for giving  us a fun family tradition. 

Oct 4, 2012

"Are you really deaf?"

Hi everyone! It's THURSDAY! Thats... one day before FRIDAY! Which for me means I start freaking out about everything I haven't gotten done this week and get bizzz-zay. Am I the only one that looks at Friday as a deadline instead of the beginning of the weekend? Probably doesn't help that I have market on Saturdays, so that would make Saturday my Monday, and Thursday would be my Sunday and... nevermind. To confusing. But, weekends are rarely for relaxing around here (at least for mom) so on occasion I DO look forward to Monday.

And speaking of market, that brings me to my post title today. Being a vendor at the market means having a somewhat personal relationship with customers. Since my biz is called "Deaf Mama Designs"  I get asked some pretty personal questions. I don't mind. I'd rather answer personal questions and possibly leave a positive impact, rather than negative assumptions. 

So the first question is usually.... "Are you really deaf?" YES! (big smile here!) I am really deaf. I do have a cochlear implant. It makes my hearing much better, but not perfect. So I'm very, totally, almost no residual hearing, can't wake up to alarm sounds, can't hear the baby cry at night deaf. I do not know how to sign. All my children have perfect hearing. The drs and specialists have theories of why I'm deaf, but no absolute answers. Deafness in some people (like me) has always been somewhat of a mystery. I'm ok with that. I kind of like being deaf.

1. I can adjust to my surroundings. If something is to loud, I can turn down the sound on my processor, like a stereo. Or, I can just take them off completely. This bothers other people more than it does me ;)
2. Since I have to take my processor off at night, I sleep really, really well. I have an awesome hubby that will wake up to investigate the scary noises, fight off the boogieman and even tend to fussy babies during the night. Sometimes he wakes me up to get them and that's fine with me. I really appreciate what a big help he is, as long as he handles the boogieman and noises. (his weapon of choice is a broken table leg... scary huh?)
3. I get to skip out on lots of drama. I'm not sure how this happens, but honestly, I don't like drama, bad mouthing people, gossip etc, so I'm not sure if I just don't hear it or they just don't bother to talk to me about it because they think I won't hear them anyway. Either way, I'm down with that.
4. Talk doesn't mean much to me. There is much more to be said about body language and just REAL action to "read" a person. What they say and what they do are two totally different things. I think I focus on the later, just because I'm to lazy to listen sometimes. 

Things I don't love about being deaf...

1. I have a really hard time hearing on the phone. Before everyone had internet, email and texting, I felt really left out. At one point I tried using TTY, but my family just didn't understand it at all. And the idea of carrying on a "fun" conversation with a 3rd person was so awkward I gave up. So I did lose a lot that way. Now I can text, which keeps me more involved. My oldest sister even started texting, which is AWESOME. love love love it.
2. If you have a hearing aid or Cochlear implant (CI from here on out) people sometimes expect your hearing to be perfect.. not always so. Mine is way better, but like with the phone issues, it's not perfect. Noisy environments wear me out, just from trying to focus and listen. I do it anyway because it's absolutely worth it! Talking to friends and customers at the market, church  even the grocery store. (Yep- I'm one of those crazy ladies that likes to compliment you on your kids, or wave to the babies.. just be happy I don't buy them candy and squish their cheeks. I'm holding back!!)

The funny things about being deaf... I talk a LOT. like, more than most people. To the point that I annoy the mess out of my husband. I am also constantly telling my kids to stop yelling! (I know right?) And.. last but not least, I can read lips really well. My kids don't get away with much. :)

So that's it for today! If you need a boogieman exterminator, feel free to call my husband. Don't worry about the table leg, I'm sure he'll be as humane as possible. 

Oct 3, 2012

Lean Mean Quilting Machine

This year, I inherited my mother's long arm quilter. If I did my math correctly, the long arm is about 23 years old! So she's not fancy, no computerized stitches or buttons to push. Just a lever to make her go, and a switch to turn the light on and off. Quite simple, until you need to thread from scratch. I thank the genius that came up with picture diagrams!

So this is the quilt I'm working on. The quilt top has been finished for so long I've forgotten where I got the pattern or what it is called! Essentially it's hst's with a star-ish layout. I'm quilting with a freehand curly-q design. I do use other quilting techniques, but I always end up going back to the curly-q design, just because I love the look of it. 

Yeah. That's my lovely view of the "other" (aka hubby's) side of the sewing room. But, this is just to show you that A) I'm a hot mess. B) I still have a lot of work to do (that table needs to be refinished asap! Sadly, there's actually two tables in that picture) and C) I need to have some accountability so that I get this mess done. Sewing is fun. Cleaning is NOT. Guess which one I'll be doing today! 

Oct 2, 2012

Um, Whoops!

So I started a day late.


But... Mondays are just.. blah around here. I have no excuses really, other than being busy (doing what I don't remember, I know it wasn't important other than being those things we all do to survive) and I had some serious allergy issues going on. Normally I can take my regular seasonal allergy meds and I'm fine. Lately, it's not been working so well, so I'm having to take Benadryl also. Not fun.

In other news, I've got a new quilt on the quilting frame! I've done two rows (8 inches wide) so only... 6 more rows to go. Gosh that sounds so EASY. In reality it's not so simple. More like a few hours worth of work but the end result will be worth it.

I found out today that I'm going to "Shop for SIDS" which is a local craft show that raises money to buy cribs and baby items for low income families. As a mama who has lost a baby to SIDS, I'm thrilled about the opportunity. So not only will I be attempting to blog every day for Blogtoberfest, I'll also be sewing like a mad woman for the upcoming show. I do sell at the farmer's market every Saturday, but I'm tired of looking at (some) of the same stuff every week. I want to add Toooooooooooooons of new items. Not just quilts. LOTS o' Things. The Shop for SIDS show has me motivated again. And it's on Oct 20th.. so by the time you read this, I'll probably only have 17 days to get anything done. I'll be in the sewing room if you need me!!!