Oh yes! It's BLOGTOBERFEST YALL! Thanks to Kat @ I Saw You Dancing for the invite! 31 days of blogging madness... I'm up for the challenge! If you'd like to join us, click the link above and sign up!
In other news, Sept 22 was my birthday. I don't mind being a year older. In fact, I spent about 6 months of last year thinking I had turned 35, when actually I was only 34! I feel like I sort of gained an extra year. And... 30s aren't bad. Not bad at all. I'm finally turning into a real grownup. I'm thankful. My 20's were rocky. My teens... yikes, you couldn't bribe me with all the money and chocolate in the world. 30's are good. Settled. Calmer. Thoughtful. I feel like that perfect pair of jeans.. not brand new but gently worn and comfy in all the right places.
For my birthday I got a digital camera. I'm still learning how to use it! It has a wide angle, which is exactly what I needed to improve my quilt pictures. (If you've never taken a picture of a king size quilt, lucky you!) Previously I was using my phone cam. Seriously. Great for sharing pics on instagram. Not so great for sales.
So back to BLOGTOBERFEST! If you haven't signed up, get over there!!! It's gonna be FUN!