To the tiny little bundle of baby boy kicking me in the ribs...
I love you for reminding me every day what a precious gift life really is...
To Ollie, my 13 month old little boy,
I love you for trying so hard. When you fall, you get back up. Pretty soon you'll be walking like a champ.
To Aralyn, my stubborn little girl, almost 3 years old now...
I love you for reminding me that snuggling on the couch watching cartoons isn't wasting the afternoon.
To Brett, my 5 year old and first boy,
I love you for being so loud and quick to laugh. You keep me smiling.
To Alexis, my silly 9 year old,
I love you for being such a good big sister and being as helpful as you are.
To Amanda, my 12 year old talker (talk talk talker),
I love you for listening and for all the hard work you do. I know you're going to be a strong woman some day.
To Anna, my quiet and sweet 13 year old,
I love you for being so graceful, in mind, spirit and body. Always my butterfly.
To Alliyah, my soft spoken, pink haired 15 year old,
I love you for the amazing woman you are becoming. Smart, beautiful and confident, the world belongs to you.
To Ashtyn, my first born,
I love you for making me a mother. You've taught me all I know and taught me I knew much less in the beginning than I thought I did.
To my husband Paul,
I love you for everything. You've taken a blended family and made it whole. You work hard every day to provide for us. You make me laugh, you cry with me and make me smile again. You've given me three beautiful babies in as many years and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
To my wonderful sweet, kind friends,
I love you for letting me be me, wacky and nutty and accepting me even when I'm not "the norm". That means the world to me.
To my family,
I love yall because I used to think we were kinda weird. Then I realized we're the somewhat normal ones. Wacky or not, we stick together, laugh together and pray together. Thank you.