Oct 8, 2011

How annoying!

I've done several posts from my phone only to have them disappear to blog heaven (or condemned to some less desirable place?) After I submit. Hopefully I will figure this out as I have a hard time getting to sit at an actual computer and tend to get more done with my smart phone.

Anyways, today ended up being a sleep in, no market since there were several things going on today, it just seemed easier to play hooky and enjoy some kid time. Seemed.

The kids didn't want to do their chores. I'm still suffering from dental work walker this week. Hubby decided to play xbox instead of yardwork. You get the idea. And as all mamas know, when we stop so does everyone else.

Not all was lost. We did get to enjoy the evening at father in law's. The pool was just warm enough for one last swim. The burgers, as always, were really good.

Tomorrow I'm going to tough it out and get back on the saddle, pain or not. One day off is bad. 3 days off and my house is bad. Really really bad. Like omg I can't believe I have to sleep here bad. 6 kids at home can do that to a house, very quickly.

Much love,


Oct 4, 2011

Long day!

Today has been a pregnant mama grumpy day! Keeping up with house work, home schooling etc, along with little Aralyn's diaper rash and big brother's "I've got to get into/tear up/climb on/jump on" attitude just wore me down today.  It wasn't a total loss, I'm more annoyed at myself for not being on top of things.

I did get 4 sets of pj's made for Aralyn and plan to make 4 more for Brett tomorrow. I also started another crib size quilt, a patternfrom one of my "go to"  quilt magazines.

I'm off to bed, we have quite a bit to cover in the schooling department, but if all goes well we may make a thrift store run. Gotta love those days!

Oct 1, 2011

Blogtober Fest!

Blogtober Fest starts today! Since I'm a total brain toot when it comes to blogging, I don't have any pictures to share yet. But I'm using blogtober to get into the grove of blogging and posting pictures, so hang in there with me please!

Today was market day and it was s l o w.  The youngest two went with us so there was plenty to keep both Paul and I busy.

Very very busy.

I had one customer come by to pick up an order, a double wedding ring in a crib size, and another order for an ABCs quilt. The ABCs quilts are by far the all time favorite at market, as well as one of my favorites to make. I do have a picture of one variation.

Afterwards we headed home, babies napped and Paul and I watched Hamlet 2. It was funnier than I expected, normally I don't love comedies. 

That about wraps it up for today! I will be finishing a king size blue and white quilt to show off soon!